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All the congregation continually prays for the process and each other with humility and faith in God’s mercy and guidance for all.

Acts1:21-28 records the process of the first transition of leadership in the New Church.  It continues to be the path we use today.

We name the need: Bishop/Canon meet with the Vestry . Done

Gathering the community (parish meeting)  Done

Stating the criteria: 

Self Study (the Holy Cow Survey)  Done

Parrish Narrative profile and Office for Transition profile  Done

Parrish Website  Done

Compensation subcommittee   In process

Canon meets with the Search committee   Done

Posting of the position goes “live” via the Office of Transition Ministry, our diocesan website, The Episcopal News Service digital listings and regional transition networks. 1st closing date April 26th.  Done

Materials of applicant priests has gone the Canon’s office and the preliminary reference/background check is made.  The Bishop has reviewed the final list .  Done

The Canon has met with the search committee and handed over the candidates. The search committee has begun assessing candidates, reviewing the materials and will begin the interview process. Done

When the search committee makes their final selections, it goes back to the Bishop for a more in depth formal background check.  The list is presented to the Vestry.  The Vestry invites/visits potential candidates The Vestry elects the Rector. The Bishop must give the final approval and consent to call. Done

Once the call is made and accepted, the Vestry negotiates the employment terms of the call through a Letter of Agreement. Done

FINALLY  a joyful announcement. A prayer of Thanksgiving !