Sermons 2018 Christmas Eve The story is told of a grandfather who was babysitting his 5 year grandson. At…Lisa CollierDecember 28, 2018
Sermons 4 Advent 2018 The story is told of a bookie who was at the races and all but…Lisa CollierDecember 24, 2018
Sermons 3 Advent 2018 Are any of you familiar with the “Where’s Waldo” books? The author Martin Handford began…Lisa CollierDecember 18, 2018
Sermons 2 Advent 2018 There were two psychologists who were friends, they worked in adjoining cities and liked to…Lisa CollierDecember 10, 2018
Sermons 1 Advent 2018 A man came home from work one day and found his young three children outside,…Lisa CollierDecember 3, 2018
Sermons Christ the King Sunday 2018 At one time King Charles told Oliver Cromwell to pose for a portrait. Cromwell, it…Lisa CollierNovember 26, 2018
Sermons 26 Pentecost 2018 Proper 28 The story is told of two parishes in a small village in England. On one…Lisa CollierNovember 19, 2018
Sermons 25 Pentecost 2018 Proper 27 A father and his 12 year old son were at the gas station and as…Lisa CollierNovember 12, 2018
Sermons 24 Pentecost 2018 Proper 26 There was a Far-Side cartoon years ago on one slide it showed a man plucking…Lisa CollierNovember 5, 2018