Sermons 2 Easter 2020 A woman went to the doctors’ office. She was seen by one of the new…Lisa CollierApril 22, 2020
Sermons Easter Sunday 2020 Did you notice the reaction of the guards on that first Easter Morning? They were…Lisa CollierApril 14, 2020
Sermons Palm Sunday 2020 There is the story about the man who was watching a two city employees at…Lisa CollierApril 6, 2020
Sermons 5 Lent 2020 Three friends were sitting in a coffee shop just making small talk and then one…Lisa CollierMarch 30, 2020
Sermons 4 Lent 2020 I heard the other day that they are going to open a new Indian restaurant,…Lisa CollierMarch 30, 2020
Sermons 3 Lent 2020 An elderly woman walked into the local country church. The friendly usher greeted her at…Lisa CollierMarch 16, 2020
Sermons 2020 Lent 2 There is the story of the woman and her husband sitting in their living room…Lisa CollierMarch 9, 2020
Sermons 1 Lent 2020 John Smith was the only Protestant in a large Catholic neighborhood. On the first Friday…Lisa CollierMarch 2, 2020
Sermons 2020 Ash Wednesday A pirate walked into a bar and the bartender said. “It’s been a while since…Lisa CollierFebruary 27, 2020
Sermons 7 Epiphany 2020 Last Sunday after the Epiphany Today’s gospel reading reminds me of a story. There were two friends, Dexter and Howard,…Lisa CollierFebruary 24, 2020